Reasons why you’re not losing weight

Weight loss isn’t as easy as it seems. There are various factors affecting weight gain and weight loss like lifestyle, sleeping habits, eating habits, genes, etc. In this post, we’re going to discuss the major reasons why you’re not able to reach your target goal even though you’re dieting or exercising.

1. You’re eating too much of healthy food

Healthy food, no doubt, is good for our body but eating too much of it can lead to weight gain. Most of the fruits and nuts have high calories which can affect your diet. This is the reason why tracking calories is important. How much calories you’re consuming on a daily basis can help you make decisions about what to eat and how much to eat.

Eating too much healthy food has other downsides too. Although meat, chicken, fish and tofu contain high amounts of protein, it can cause osteoporosis (a condition where bones become weak and brittle) if eaten excessively. Fruits have sugars and fiber which can lead to diabetes, bloating, diarrhea, deficiencies of other nutrients and of course weight gain. Nuts can also cause bloating and digestive issues.

It’s always recommended to keep a track of your calorie intake and to have a balanced diet.

2. You are eating too little

When you don’t eat enough for the body’s requirements, our body switches to starvation mode. Causing the metabolism to slow down and storing the fats and calories that you want to shed, making it difficult for you to lose weight. This phenomenon happens because our body helps to maintain the energy balance to perform various functions.
You may not gain weight by restrictive eating but it’ll make it difficult for you to shed those pounds.

Eating too little can cause other problems like deficiency of nutrients, weakness, dizziness and bloating.

3. You are starving or skipping meals

Starving may seem like a good or “easy” way to lose weight but it can lead to weight gain. When you are starving or skipping meals, the body gets confused. It slows down the metabolism. It can also lead to overeating because hunger levels reach its peak. You may lose weight initially but later on you’ll gain it back. Starving for a long period of time can lead to eating disorders, weakness and a decline in mental health.

Starvation and skipping meals are not a good option because it can affect your body physically and mentally. You will lose lean muscle mass, organ tissues and skeletal mass along with weight which is harmful and makes you weak.

4. You don’t have a proper sleeping schedule

Most of the population doesn’t get proper 8-hour sleep as per research. Poor sleeping habits can cause major consequences on your body and mind. Sleep deprivation can cause hunger hormones to alter because the body demands energy to work. This leads to overeating. Appetite increases, especially for foods rich in fats and carbohydrates.

People who are sleep deprived tend to snack more to keep their body working. When asleep, our body utilizes that time to repair itself to work more efficiently. Not sleeping for required hours not only causes weight gain but also irritability, fatigue, poor concentration levels, etc. Staying away from phones and televisions before 1 hour to bed is suggested.

5. Your genes

This is a hard pill to swallow but the reason that you’re gaining all your weight back after being on a diet for months has something to do with genetics. Everyone’s body is different, our weight equation controlled by genes is different too. For some it’s 25%, for others it can be 75%-80%.

This should not be the reason to give up. Our lifestyle contributes more to our weight and body (unless it’s a genetic disorder).

6. You’re dehydrated

Usually, we confuse thirst with hunger and end up eating more than our regular calorie intake. 80% of our body is water. Most of the functions performed by our body requires water. Drinking less water slows down the body’s functioning. This also slows down the metabolism of our body. Drinking less water causes migraines, headaches, dry skin, muscle cramps, heart and kidney problems, etc. Water makes our body work at its full potential. This includes our muscles’ ability to work, less water intake can cause tiredness which leads to no activity and no activity leads to fats and calories stored in our body.

Drinking 8 glasses of water is recommended. Water is also a great appetite suppressor, which can be helpful during intermittent fasting.

7. You have no workout plan

.Exercising without any insight or plan can stagnate your weight loss journey. Be sure to work on each part of your body. Just walking on the treadmill for thirty minutes won’t give you the desired body you want. Workout routines are fun as you work on each part of your body every day. These routines also keep you motivated. There are many free workout routines/challenges out there on YouTube for example Chloe Ting 2 weeks shred challenge.

So, these are the main reasons why you may not be able to lose weight. Remember to be kind to yourself. Be safe and healthy. Good luck on your weight loss journey!

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